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Meet Stumpy, the Cherry Blossom Tree Stealing Hearts by Persevering

Move over, lush and full cherry blossom trees — Stumpy is here to steal the show! Despite being a little different from the other trees in the Tidal Basin near the Jefferson Memorial, this scraggly and worn-down tree has captured the hearts of many Washington, D.C. residents. While the flooding in Stumpy's neighborhood unfortunately means his days are numbered, there's good news: Stumpy is still going strong three years later and even reached peak bloom with his friends on March 23, 2023.

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Former Olympic BMX champ to 'live the dream' in US

Olympic gold medal-winning BMX rider Charlotte Worthington is moving to the US to "live out the dream" after her historic win in Tokyo last year. Originally from Manchester, she decided to emigrate following a tough period of mental health struggles. Despite the move, she reassured fans that she will continue competing for Team GB while living on the other side of the Atlantic. Worthington's journey from a small village near Kettering to becoming an international sports star showcases her determination and love for BMX.

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Soy milk could reduce risk factors for heart disease, research shows

A new study from the University of Toronto suggests that soy milk could benefit heart health by lowering blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. The research, funded by the Soy Nutrition Institute Global and United Soybean Board, analyzed multiple trials to determine these effects. Despite being classified as "ultra-processed," soy milk with added sugar was found to have similar health benefits as unsweetened versions. Experts recommend including nutrient-dense plant-based foods like soy milk in a heart-healthy diet for improved overall well-being.

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How green turtles made a comeback on Cyprus beaches

Protected green and loggerhead turtles are thriving on the beaches of two British military bases in Cyprus, with a 25% increase in nests compared to last year. A total of 382 sea turtle nests were recorded this year, thanks to consistent conservation efforts by base authorities. The success is attributed to a hands-off approach and strict enforcement against harmful activities on nesting beaches. Despite the positive results, authorities remain committed to furthering conservation efforts through partnerships with local organizations and volunteers.

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Hubble Examines a Busy Galactic Center

A stunning image captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope showcases the spiral galaxy IC 4709, located 240 million light-years away. At its core lies an active galactic nucleus (AGN) surrounding a massive black hole. This AGN emits various forms of electromagnetic radiation, providing valuable insights into supermassive black holes in distant galaxies. Data from Hubble surveys and upcoming observations by telescopes like Swift and Euclid will further enhance our understanding of these cosmic phenomena.

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Desi Arnaz Is Getting a Famous Marker in Miami Beach

Americans are finally honoring Desi Arnaz, beyond his role as Ricky Ricardo on "I Love Lucy." A historic marker will be unveiled in Miami Beach to celebrate Arnaz's Cuban roots and conga legacy. The dedication ceremony on October 15 marks the end of Hispanic Heritage Month and recognizes Arnaz's impact on entertainment. This tribute sheds light on a remarkable journey from Cuba to stardom that continues to inspire new generations.

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Top 10 US cities for coffee lovers revealed

A couple surprised an Indiana coffee shop by hosting a full wedding ceremony inside. The National Coffee Association found that 67% of Americans drink coffee daily, and WalletHub revealed the top cities for coffee lovers based on various metrics. Portland, Oregon, was named the best city for coffee enthusiasts in 2024 due to its vibrant local scene and high number of affordable shops with excellent ratings. San Francisco and Seattle followed closely behind in second and third place.

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This Science-Backed Zoom Trick Could Make Meetings Less Tiring

Tired of Zoom calls? A new study suggests that your background choice could be the culprit. Researchers found that moving video backgrounds lead to higher levels of fatigue, while static or humorous backgrounds reduce stress. The key is to stick with blurred or still-image backgrounds, like a peaceful forest scene, to minimize cognitive load and avoid videoconference fatigue. So next time you hop on a call, consider swapping out your background for something calming - it might just make all the difference!

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Artemis Brings Home Really Good News For Future Astronauts

NASA's Artemis I mission reveals that the astronaut "storm shelter" on Orion works really well, offering promising protection from radiation for future Moon explorers. The mannequins Helga and Zohar, equipped with over 5600 instruments each, showed low radiation exposure during the mission. Data suggests that Orion's shielding can effectively reduce astronauts' radiation exposure on long flights to destinations like Mars. With these findings, NASA is optimistic about the safety of future space missions beyond Earth's magnetic field.

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Lottery winner builds disability-friendly course

A £1m lottery winner in Surrey built a crazy golf course in his garden, catering to people with disabilities. David Lawrence fulfilled his dream after winning the money and now invites local organizations like Leatherhead Swans and Leatherhead Link to enjoy the course. The three-hole course features themes like Pudsey Bear and a jungle setting, aiming to inspire those with learning difficulties through golf. Mr. Lawrence hopes his "Dave's Putting Challenge" will bring joy and social connections to the community while celebrating inclusivity in sports.

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Cat dumped in box is now living the high life

A lucky cat named Charlie, who escaped from a taped-up box, has found a new home with an animal lover in South Yorkshire. Despite having Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), he now enjoys watching birds and cars from his new flat's big windows. His journey began when he was abandoned outside an RSPCA branch in Derbyshire but thanks to a BBC article, he caught the eye of his new owner. The RSPCA hopes more cats like Charlie will find loving homes soon too!

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What's Good Now!

Former Olympic BMX champ to 'live the dream' in US

Soy milk could reduce risk factors for heart disease, research shows

How green turtles made a comeback on Cyprus beaches

Hubble Examines a Busy Galactic Center

Desi Arnaz Is Getting a Famous Marker in Miami Beach

Top 10 US cities for coffee lovers revealed

This Science-Backed Zoom Trick Could Make Meetings Less Tiring

Artemis Brings Home Really Good News For Future Astronauts

Lottery winner builds disability-friendly course

Cat dumped in box is now living the high life